May 29, 2024

How to Supercharge Creativity In The Product Ideation Process


Process and creativity are sometimes rivals. Popular product ideation frameworks like Mind Mapping and storyboarding give product managers a predictable way to think through ideas systematically.

While these methods provide structure and clarity, sometimes they can also feel restrictive, stifling the same creativity they are meant to encourage.

How can you break through the gridlock to identify high-impact product ideas that will delight your customers? 

In this blog post, we’ll introduce Archie, our AI-focused product architect that can help take your product ideation sessions to the next level.

If product ideation has been feeling like "product stagnation" lately, this post is for you.

But First, What Is Product Ideation?

Product ideation is the process of generating, developing and refining new ideas for products or features.

It’s a crucial early stage in the product development lifecycle that involves brainstorming, creativity and structured thinking. The goal of product ideation is to identify innovative solutions that address user needs, solve problems or create new opportunities in the market.

In other words, product ideation is where product owners identify where to improve the product to keep up with customer needs, and where they innovate solutions to get ahead of the competition.

Product Ideation Is A Multi-Stage Process

Every product organization is a little different, and different product ideation frameworks structure the ideation process differently.

We can generally think of product ideation as taking place over five discrete steps.

  1. Research - It starts by collecting data and feedback that can indicate what's working well, what isn't and where there are gaps.
  2. Brainstorming - All potential ideas are welcomed and recorded. Brainstorming sessions often involve diverse teams to bring various perspectives and insights.
  3. Validation - Ideas are evaluated based on feasibility, market potential and alignment with business goals. This step helps in filtering out impractical or less promising ideas.
  4. Prototyping - Creating Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) to test the core functionalities of the idea (see: Rapid Application Development).
  5. Iteration - Based on feedback from prototypes, the idea is refined, improved and eventually released.

Popular Product Ideation Frameworks and Methodologies

Some of the most popular product ideation frameworks involve evaluating your research data and brainstorming with different perspectives.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a user-centered approach to innovation. It involves five stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.

The process starts with understanding the user's needs and problems, defining those needs clearly, brainstorming potential solutions, creating prototypes of those solutions and testing them with real users.

This iterative approach ensures that the final product is both innovative and user-friendly.


SCAMPER is a creative brainstorming technique that stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate and Reverse.

Each action verb represents a different way to think about modifying an existing product or idea. By systematically applying these prompts, teams can generate a wide range of innovative ideas and explore new possibilities.

Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is a visual tool that helps organize thoughts and ideas around a central concept.

By branching out into related topics, subtopics, and details, teams can see the connections between different ideas more clearly. This method is particularly useful for exploring all facets of a problem or concept and uncovering new angles and insights.

Six Thinking Hats

The Six Thinking Hats method, developed by Edward de Bono, encourages parallel thinking by having team members adopt different perspectives symbolized by different colored hats: White (facts), Red (feelings), Black (caution), Yellow (optimism), Green (creativity) and Blue (process).

This structured approach helps teams consider a problem from multiple angles, leading to more well-rounded and innovative solutions.

How to Elevate Creativity In Your Idea Generation Sessions

We'd like to introduce you to Archie, our AI product architect.

Trained on multiple LLMs, each focused on different stages of the product lifecycle, Archie is designed to help you enhance creativity as you consider new ideas and product features.

How Archie Works

Archie acts as a virtual team member, capable of transforming broad ideas into detailed product requirements, specifications and designs.

  1. Give It A Prompt - Get started by giving Archie a simple, natural language prompt. What are you working on?
  2. AI-Driven Analysis - Archie will quickly get to work, using advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate comprehensive outputs.
  3. Output Generation - Archie produces detailed documentation, including requirements, user stories, acceptance criteria and even preliminary designs. This usually only takes minutes, when doing this by hand can take months.

Archie includes a number of features to help you increase your creativity.

Boosting Creativity with Archie

  1. Idea Validation - Archie helps validate ideas quickly by generating detailed specifications and designs, allowing teams to see potential solutions early in the process. This rapid feedback loop enables more creative exploration and iteration.
  2. Enhanced Brainstorming - By providing a structured yet flexible framework, Archie supports brainstorming sessions with concrete outputs. Teams can input raw ideas and receive refined versions that are ready for further development. Archie can help uncover ideas that teams haven't thought of yet.
  3. Cross-Functional Collaboration - Archie bridges the gap between technical and non-technical team members, ensuring everyone’s input is accurately captured and translated into actionable plans. This inclusive approach fosters a diverse range of ideas and perspectives.

Archie is free to get started. Try it out here.

Summing It Up

If you feel like your product ideation sessions have hit the wall lately, Archie can reignite the creative spark. Trained on an extensive corpus of product lifecycle data, Archie can help you uncover new ideas and collaborate better with your team.

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