April 29, 2024

Four (Actually Useful) Tools For Chief Innovation Officers


If it ever feels like we're living in an era of too many tools, know that you're not imagining it.

The average mid-size company has at least 255 applications in its tech stack, according to Zylo's 2024 SaaS management index. And the craziest part? That's down 10% from the prior year.

Organizations use tools to automate processes, enhance productivity and support decision-making. However, a tool is only as good as the person operating it, and its true value lies in how it complements and enhances their abilities.

With that in mind, we wanted to highlight four rock-solid tools for Chief Innovation Officers. These are tools that we selected not because of a shiny feature or fancy gimmick, but rather because they enhance the amazing work that you are already doing, and they can help you empower your teams to be more effective.

Understanding the Chief Innovation Officer Toolbox

One of the most challenging aspects of running an organization's innovation efforts is striking a balance between fostering innovative, forward-thinking ideas and managing the practical, day-to-day operational demands of the business.

Innovation requires space for creativity and risk-taking, yet CIOs must also ensure this aligns with the company’s strategic goals. This balancing act can be complex, as it demands both visionary thinking and pragmatic decision-making to drive sustainable growth while keeping the organization competitive and relevant in rapidly evolving industries.

How Does Tooling Fit Into the Picture?

The innovation-focused operating system ITONICS divides the capabilities of a Chief Innovation Officer four categories:

  1. Ideation ("How do we win?") What are the groundbreaking ideas that will not only take the product to the next level, but allow the organization to reach new heights?
  2. Foresight ("What's next?") What are the opportunities coming on the horizon? What are the risks?
  3. Portfolio management ("What to execute?") How should we prioritize the opportunities that were identified in the ideation and foresight capabilities?
  4. Governance ("How do we manage?") How do we manage the structures that guide, oversee and control the innovation activities within the organization?

Tooling fits into the picture to cover gaps in your current innovation capabilities and to enhance areas of emphasis in the work you're already doing. Are there any areas where you can improve creativity and risk-taking, or solidify operational tasks?

Ideation: Archie, 8base's AI-Powered Product Architect

Archie is a groundbreaking tool designed to enhance the ideation phase for Chief Innovation Officers looking to drive forward-thinking and competitive edge in their product development.

The way it works is simple: Give Archie a simple prompt with details on the idea you'd like to work through, and Archie will quickly get to work with actionable feedback and implementation specs. Archie is trained on multiple LLMs, each focusing on different points of the product lifecycle, to give you an end-to-end perspective on product ideation.

Here are some key features and benefits of using Archie:

  • Rapid Conceptualization - Simply input a brief description of your idea, and Archie quickly generates a detailed digital blueprint. This blueprint includes functional and technical specifications tailored to your needs, enabling you to visualize and refine your concept swiftly.
  • Data-Driven Insights - Archie evaluates your idea from multiple perspectives, providing an initial assessment that includes market trends, potential challenges, and unique opportunities. This helps quickly answer the question of product-market fit and novelty.
  • Enhanced Creativity - By detecting aspects you may not have considered, Archie suggests enhancements and explores alternative approaches to strengthen your project.
  • Comprehensive Specifications - Archie’s ability to generate detailed specifications ensures that every aspect of the product design is thoughtfully considered. This drives clearer project directives and more cohesive development efforts.
  • Collaboration - Share your generated blueprints with stakeholders to gather insights, validate assumptions and gain support. Archie makes it easy to socialize your ideas, facilitating collaborative refinement and alignment with broader business goals.

Archie is easy to use and free to get started. If you're interested in learning more about how we made Archie, check out the product documentation.

Foresight: ITONICS Foresight

The AI-powered ITONICS Foresight is built to identify growth opportunities quickly and effectively.

Here’s what it offers:

  • Automated Environmental Scanning - Quickly identifies and monitors trends, emerging technologies, and potential risks, allowing for swift adaptation to market changes.
  • Centralized Information Hub - Consolidates all foresight activities on a single platform, enhancing decision-making with access to a unified source of intelligence.
  • Advanced Filtering and Tagging - Cuts through noise with always-on signals scanning, equipped with advanced search capabilities that speed up the time to insight.
  • Collaboration - Facilitates real-time, transparent communication across teams, harnessing collective intelligence to refine foresight activities.

Portfolio Management: Smartsheet Control Center

It's not really possible to find a one-size-fits-all portfolio management software for all CIOs, but if there's one that comes close, Smartsheet Control Center is it.

Here's what it offers:

  • Automated Project Provisioning - Simplifies the initiation of new projects with automated workflows, ensuring consistency and saving time.
  • Centralized Visibility - Offers portfolio-level visibility, allowing teams to make informed decisions based on real-time data concerning budgets, risks and resources.
  • Standardized Processes - Incorporates pre-designed blueprints and best practices that help maintain consistency across projects, enhancing execution and reporting accuracy.
  • Scalable Change Management - Facilitates efficient handling of changes within projects, aligning them continuously with organizational goals and objectives.

Governance: ServiceNow Knowledge Management

Building and maintaining a Center of Excellence hinges on your organization adopting and regularly using an intuitive platform. ServiceNow increases self-service by providing easy access to consistent solutions and automates the capture and dissemination of knowledge across the organization.

Key features include:

  • AI-Powered Efficiencies - Automates knowledge generation and identifies gaps using AI, improving content quality and accessibility.
  • Collaborative Tools - Facilitates content creation with Microsoft Word Online integration and supports collaborative editing and feedback.
  • Scalable Analytics - Monitors knowledge usage and trends through analytics, helping teams prioritize updates and manage resources effectively.

Let's Sum It Up

Of course, your mileage may vary depending on your existing tech stack and budget, but these tools are worth exploring if you're looking to expand your toolbox. They are designed not just for their innovative features but to enhance the work your team is already doing.

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