June 16, 2023

8base Meets the Backend-as-a-Service Needs of Low-Code Developers


As low-code developers search for the right Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform, 8base is gaining momentum for its unique benefits. 

Investigating Contenders

For many, the search for a BaaS platform will start with Firebase. While a recognized name, it’s not the best solution for everyone. NO solution is best for everyone. The growth we’ve seen at 8base has come as developers with specific needs recognize the advantages we offer in required skills, scalability, and pricing clarity and transparency. We are confident that we match up with the best-known platforms available. Several publishers have recently declared us one of the best BaaS vendors. Our customers have given us 4.5 stars on G2.com. So whether your consideration set is simply interested in finding the best possibilities (2023 Best BaaS Backend As  A Service Providers), delivering five contenders to your team for investigation (Top 5 Best Backend As A Service in 2023) or a more expansive set (Top 14 Backend-as-a-Service Providers) to discovering the next tool that could disrupt software development (15 futuristic databases you’ve never heard of) investigating 8base will be worth your while. 

Required Coding Skills

8base intentionally selected JavaScript as the backbone programming language for our platform. It has more active developers than any other language (17.5 million worldwide), and nearly every business uses it in some form to power its website and applications.  

It also makes extensive use of GraphQL for API-based data access. 


We believe there are three key lenses through which to view scalability: teams, features, and resources. 8base architects its platform and tools to scale across all three dimensions. The best part is that 8base does this automatically, so the developer doesn’t have to worry about setting up or managing scale themselves.


Almost all low-code products charge per end-user, which renders them unusable for consumer-facing apps and digital products. Unlike other low-code products, 8base offers pricing plans in support of individual developers, consulting organizations, and companies of all sizes.

Try 8base for free. And, when you become sure it meets your needs, you will find a plan that is right for your application with pricing that provides clarity and transparency – you won’t need to write an algorithm to understand what it will cost, and you won’t risk running up against capacity caps.‍

8base is redefining the way software is built.  

If a conversation about this is interesting to you, we'd love to chat and help you think through your approach. Contact us.

To learn more about 8base's low-code technology

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